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Half Past Human Project

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]them damn swans....[/h] by clif high, Monday, April 14, 2014 8:21am
with respect..
Black Swan events, by their very definition, are not predictable, thus as the new BRICS alternative to the IMF, and World Bank were predictable reactions to the crack-head behavior of the current IMF/World Banks and their institutionalized, 100% corrupt-at-the-core, nature, this response is not then, a Black Swan by definition.
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[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]it's a real bitch when you're not sure who's ass your hand is up....[/h] by clif high, Wednesday, April 9, 2014 8:21am
with respect..
Was internet 'chatting' with a looong time friend, from our days as fellow 'prisoners of the military-industrial complex' (aka 'army brats'). He is also a coder. Strange how many of us went 'bad' and turned to coding to cope.
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[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]oh, lord won't you he'p the NSA....[/h] by clif high, Sunday, April 5, 2014 7:21pm
with respect..
oh, lord won't you he'p the NSA,
they sent their spy'n out my way,
poor bastards, i don't know what to say,
oh lord won't you help the NSA.


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[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]#bankster**** - Swell the Spew...[/h] by clif high, Sunday, March 30, 2014 8:24am
with respect...this idea is so wickely delicious i could not resist....
We can **** the banksters. They have been raping humanity via manipulating markets since 1913, causing death, destruction, and global wars....please note, no global war prior to the Federal Reserve Banksters Mafia coming into existance.....so why not **** them back? Especially as it is easily done.


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the true purpose of elders in society....

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=3]the true purpose of elders in society....[/h] by clif high, Friday, March 21 2014 4:21 pm
with respect...
Most modern humans do not have clue as to what the purpose of elders are within society. This includes the elders themselves, at least most modern elders. And ALL of the young people today, skewed, and screwed blue by skoolin' but without any real education or knowledge, think that elders are someone to provide the rent free, basement accommodations and such meals and health care as may also be cajoled, or whined out of the other wise, pretty much annoying, elders.

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perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]homesteading...and land recovery at age 61? [/h] by clif high, Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:03 am
with respect...
Universe drives as it chooses, not us humans...and apparently i had not enough work.
So it has come to me that a certain property is for sale in our area that would suit us very well indeed, as land, well found, well situated, and well located. However, really damn expensive. And in need of really damn serious work (remediation).
And this portion of the ever present now is NOT the time to be buying property. In only a few short weeks (probably late April), the momentum of the Causes already set in motion will deliver Effects that will fulfill the [shock] forecast (found in last ALTA report). That [shock] will send global markets reeling/tumbling/ass-over-teakettle-down-the-hill. And will affect ALL things financial/debt based.
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perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]that GIANT sucking sound is coming from china....[/h]
by clif high, Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:09 pm
with respect...
Over these past two decades the phenomenon of a noisy earth has returned to humanity's awareness as the planet groans its way to a new, larger size.
As great as these earth groans are in their soul stopping effect, let me be the first to suggest that "you ain't heard nothing, yet"...

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Weapons of the weak...

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]Weapons of the weak...[/h] by clif high, Thursday, March 6, 2014 8:03 am
with respect...
...i am one of the weak. Oh, not physically, though i could not successfully wrestle a hippo, but politically.
i am one of the Seven Billions of Humans here on Terra/Earth... ->

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New Woo -- E73 - Time Space and Mt Gox/BTC

By SumDumGuy, in Wu-Jo,

Torrent files link to all audios.
Now hosting wujo's on our server, so be kind, once downloaded, easily shared.
(right click on link, chose 'save as' to download)

E73 - Time Space and Mt Gox/BTC
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Central banks versus human viscera...

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]Central banks versus human viscera...[/h] by clif high, Sunday, February 2, 2014 3:03 pm
with respect...
...i first came across the notion of decentralization in the mid 1960's as the 'European trade community' was in the process of being firmed up by the plutocracy into the 'EC (European community)', on its way to becoming the 'EU' *(today's European union).
It was curious for me, as a detached, but interested outside observer... as a military dependant living within the 'occupation forces' in Germany...
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Emotion in human language: training deep learning neural nets for emotional quantifier discovery in predictive linguistics applications...
by clif high, Saturday, January 18, 2014 5:37am
with respect...
Our predictive linguistics method is composed of multiple layers of processing. Unlike those recent predictive linguistic applications which read and interpret immediacy data streams such as Twitter, the method developed here at halfpasthuman employs algorithms which do not rely on word tense, counts, frequency or relative placement. Unlike deterministic programs (focused at specific 'sites' and word patterns in a deterministic 'hunt') which attempt to be predictive, our processing actually enhances serendipitous discovery of future forecasting linguistic patterns through the use of trained, multiply layered, neural net software technology.

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Predictive linguistics app proposal...

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

Predictive linguistics app proposal...

by clif high, Wednesday, January 8, 2014 12:37pm
with respect...
We are at a cross of roads here at HPH and would like to request your input to assist our
i have drawn up a design for a predictive linguistics app for Android. i am not interested
(for numerous reasons) in developing this for iPhones...so the proposal here is specifically
for Android users.

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