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Half Past Human Project


Schlomo's Cocaine addiction.....

By Foxx, in Essays,

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=2]Schlomo's Cocaine addiction.....[/h]Sometimes it is difficult to accept what humans will do...in the last century a cocaine (and other substances) addict wrote over 400 thousand words about what his many addictions had done to his mind.
Then, for its own purposes, the Tavistock Institute took these writings, asserted that they were theories, and created a religion around them that they then insisted is science, and called it "psychiatry".
continue reading at halfpasthuman.com



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=3]Current Week IDIR : February 15, 2015[/h] [h=2]IDIR2142015seg1.mp3 (segment 1)
IDIR2132015.mp3[/h] [h=2]New weekly access codes required. [/h] previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=3]Current Week IDIR : February 9, 2015[/h] [h=2]IDIR272015.mp3 (segment 1)

IDIR292015seg2.mp3[/h] [h=2]New weekly access codes required. [/h] previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=3]Current Week IDIR : February 3, 2015[/h][h=2]IDIR212015.mp3 (segment 1)
IDIR232015btc.mp3 (bitcoin, gold, silver, dollar segment)[/h] [h=2]New weekly access codes required. [/h] previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=3]Current Week IDIR : January 26, 2015[/h] [h=2]IDIR1262015.mp3[/h] [h=2]New weekly access codes required. [/h] previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=3]Current Week IDIR : January 19, 2015[/h] [h=2]IDIR1172015.mp3 segment 1[/h] [h=2]IDIR1182015seg2.mp3 segment 2[/h] New weekly access codes required.

previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=3]Current Week IDIR : January 9, 2015[/h] [h=2]IDIR01092015.mp3 segment 1[/h] [h=2]IDIR01092015seg2.mp3 segment 2[/h] New weekly access codes required.
previous weeks IDIR reports->

[h=2]David Wilcock, Sean David Morton...(et al) are wrong....and why this is so cool for me...[/h] by clif high, Friday, January 2, 2015 07:38 am
with respect,
the pyramids at Giza, and very likely most if not all of the pyramids located at strategic spots around our planet, had absolutely nothing to do with 'ascension' or 'human trials'...
[h=3] read more->[/h] Read older articles here...

[h=2]Life.....what do you want to have had from it?[/h] [h=2]Or, how to 'win' at life....[/h] by clif high, Sun's day, December 21, 2014 07:38pm with respect, let us begin ...at your begining...
when you and the world were young, 'they' would ask you "what do want to be when you grow up?". The unspoken subtext is 'what do you seek from life?'.
[h=3]read more->[/h] Read older articles here...



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] Current Week IDIR : December 21, 2014

IDIR12192014.mp3 (for week of 21st ->)
*Racing time/events.

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IDIR December 15, 2014

By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Purchase -> Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] Current Week IDIR : December 15, 2014

IDIR December 15, 2014 (over one hour)
*May be addendum posted on Monday. Racing time/events.

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By Foxx, in Reports,

Effective from December 5, 2014 through May of 2015 with emphasis on shorter and longer term values.
Note this report specifically focuses on Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and the US dollar for major emotional trends over these next 7/seven months.
read more at halfpasthuman.com


IDIR November 23, 2014

By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Halfpasthuman Reports - IDIR[/h] Current Week IDIR : November 23, 2014

IDIR November 23, 2014 (about one hour)

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By Foxx, in Essays,

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h]
[h=2]biohacking....[/h] by clif high, Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:25pm with respect...
You have heard the term, biohacking, and may even have some understanding of the contexts involved; however, likely you have not considered that biohacking is directly involved in your immediate future. And for reasons not instantly obvious.
[h=3]read more->[/h] Read older articles here...



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Halfpasthuman Reports - IDIR[/h] Current Week IDIR : November 16, 2014
Note: 2/two files (segments) in this week's report.
[h=2]IDIR11162014.mp3[/h] [h=2]IDIR11162014SG2.mp3[/h] New weekly access codes required.

previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Halfpasthuman Reports - IDIR[/h] Current Week IDIR : November 9, 2014


New weekly access codes required.

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By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Halfpasthuman Reports - IDIR[/h] Current Week IDIR : November 1, 2014

IDIR11012014ALL.mp3 - long, nearly 2 hours

New access codes required.

previous weeks IDIR reports->



By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Halfpasthuman Reports - IDIR[/h] Current Week IDIR : October 26, 2014


New access codes required. September codes will NOT work.

previous weeks IDIR reports->

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h]
[h=3]officialdom 'fear' sums rising fast....[/h] by clif high, Sunday, October 19, 2014 12:43pm

Addendum: October 21, 2014: Proof is in the PIX of the VIX STIX. ZeroHedge.
All the data types are showing that the 'summation of the fear emotive quotients' are rising for the ThePowersThatBe (and their minions, the officialdom). Some of the fear values can now be tied back over to [deflation] within both the Markets entity, and the GlobalPop entity. ...
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