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    • bzpal
      It doesn’t look good….   https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/department-duh-2nd-paper-shows-ubi-results-less-actual-work
    • jdurand
      They're not very big, they've been called mopeds and such things.
    • DaddyBob
      Sounds like a model airplane engine.
    • jdurand
      Spotted in Ukraine, a Geranium with holiday lights.   https://t.me/russia_seichass/49142  
    • Peter
      Ha. I guess we can get ahead of this meme for 2025.  
    • Greenmeadow
      Clif Quote: The Discontinuity is here! Now. As forecast it is coming from different sources.   Note that the 'event-stream' manifestation math provides us with the basic approach to replicators which would, in essence, put a filter on the emerging event-stream to create what was desired. O'Physics is very powerful.              
    • Greenmeadow
      A long podcast with biological anthropologist, Michael P Masters that thinks that "aliens" are future humans. He is pretty well researched and looking through a lens of how humans would change over time biologically, skull and eye changes, telepathy etc.  He thinks the greys are biologic creations. Like an advanced form of robot worker.   This interview is from a month ago before the NJ drones. He has written a number of books. He has talked to politicians prior to the UFO hearings so they could be informed enough to ask better questions.   He used the phrase "ontological shock" if the UFOs presence is disclosed in a big way. He does not appear to know anything about clif high.  I have not heard that expression used much before. He does seem to also think that consciousness is the real basis of reality.     clips from the interview                      
    • Greenmeadow
      Based on X posts the drone / uap phenomena has reduced. There are a few posts, but either they stopped showing up or people got bored.              
    • DaddyBob
      Scott Adams predicted this a few days before Christmas: Americans take Christmas day off...      
    • Peter
      The technology to fake an invasion has been around for years. Sophisticated hologram technology example:       It doesn't even have to be that sophisticated. This recent example of India's "moon landing".           For my money, I doubt that the holograms will be used as shown. Any high resolution photo /video will be (or should be) quickly assessed to verify the content and there are too many people who can ferret out a fake. It is far more likely that grainy security cam videos will be used which will  leave a lot to the imagination. Imagination allows the viewer to create their own "believable" monster under the bed. This makes it difficult to dispel as any parent knows.  Once the "idea" is planted, there is no telling what people will do as we saw in the first "undisclosed" mass fear experiment in 1938. The "concealed villain" is a standard suspense / fear inducing technique that has been successfully implemented in good movies.  A few glimpses of the "monster" creates more fear than a clear image, because once you see it (as in early monster movies like Creature form the Black Lagoon ) it is about as scary as the Staypuff Monster in Ghostbusters.  Explanation of the movie technique: https://tammy.ai/keypoints/entertainment/entertainment-reviews/unveiling-the-villain-9-movies
    • turiya
      How to Fake an Alien Invasion (2015) Re-release by Corbett | Dec 23, 2024 | https://corbettreport.com/alieninvasion/   Description: FROM 2015: We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? Join us this week as we peek under the bluebeam curtain at the great alien invasion false flag. Original Post: Episode 301 – How to Fake an Alien Invasion TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: JAMES CORBETT: Welcome back to The Corbett Report, ladies and gentlemen. I’m your host, James Corbett of corbettreport.com, podcasting to you as always from the sunny climes of western Japan, here on this 5th day of February 2015. Welcome to Episode 301 of The Corbett Report: How to Fake an Alien Invasion. Now, you’d better be careful who’s watching over your shoulder today, because we are about to broach one of the most top-secret, ultra-classified pieces of information in the entire Conspiracy pantheon. A subject so sensitive that its mere exposure threatens to topple the power pyramid itself and, as a result, is never talked about in the establishment mouthpiece media. I’m referring of course to the topic of . . . [whisper] aliens.  
    • rawtruth
      Check out his interview with Candace Owens, who is most definitely not on the fringe, and you may find some evidence worthy of your consideration:    
    • SumDumGuy
      At this time, this is a stretch.   There is no proof plasma bubbles are floating around our skies... or that they are man-made.   Ashton Forbes is on the fringe, of the fringe.
    • equanimity
      Notice how our reality-bubbles are bouncing around each other even as we try to achieve consensus?   On the one hand, Clif is deluded and misreading the various "proofs" being offered by the man in the street.   On the other hand, plasma bubbles are real and are manmade products of a hidden technology.   These insights seem to be mutually exclusive, but they are coexisting in this forum and around this world, and Reality is bigger than any assertion.   Clif might be right for the wrong reason, or wrong for the right reason, or some combination of each.   What we have here is Schrodinger's Clif!
    • DaddyBob
      Ashton Forbes says that the plasma orbs we are seeing are man made.   We have the technology to make them now but that is being hidden from the public.   Yep, I started thinking that a few days ago.       
    • SumDumGuy
      And... he doubled down on a reflection 🤦‍♂️
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