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Half Past Human Project


truckwujo 6152016

By Foxx, in Wu-Jo,

Published on Jun 15, 2016
my first 'truck' wujo. This was recorded on June 15, 2016 as i was driving from Olympia up to the Tacoma tideflats (blair waterway) to conduct some trimaran business.
This wujo covers some Terra entity stuff and then goes into the 'why' (in my opinion) of the recent (and pending) moves in Bitcoin relative to USA dollar price. Near the end i go into the recent strangeness in the data flow, and its impact on July forecasts.



By Foxx, in Wu-Jo,


Published on Apr 15, 2016
clif's wujo for April 15, 2016. Discussion includes Bitcoin, Bitcoin to Silver, and Bitcoin to Gold links as upcoming temporal markers; also heat wave in USA and Siberia, and storms. Also UV rays and blindness caution.


my new part time job....

By Foxx, in Essays,

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=2]my new part time job....[/h] by clif high, wednesday, April 13, 2016, 1:15pm pst.
As you may be aware, Cathy and i have been trying to move for a few years. Mostly the obstacles have been the banks, the ridiculous propped up housing prices, and the fact that for the last 3/three decades here in USALand, at least in our corner of it, no one has been building single story houses. As older humans, we don't need nor want multiple stories in a house, so this decades old trend is a real hard stop in a house hunt.
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By Foxx, in Wu-Jo,


welcome to my office: (silver/gold/bitcoin): (paper currencies/bonds/real estate): (bank/mid tier corp failures): (drug shortage/nutters): (transport of stuff failures): Weather:


ignore alien order....

By Foxx, in Essays,

[h=2]ignore alien order....[/h] by clif high, tuesday, March 15, 2016, 6:38pm pCt.
You may not have noticed, but humans are messy...
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By Foxx, in Wu-Jo,

clifs wujo 'my fellow americans' = discussing method, gold, silver, bitcoin, gardening when it counts, weather, geoengineering, political scum


February 2016 ALTA : Crash Map

By Foxx, in Reports,

[h=1]February 2016 ALTA : Crash Map[/h] Note this is a PDF (written) ALTA report in the original format. The range of this report is from February 2016 through to 2032. Running at 32 pages, this report has a brief primer and dictionary of our terms provided for new readers.
Pricing is set to $15 FRNS (Federal Reserve Notes).
To purchase access to the ALTA reports with Bitcoin, send 0.03459888 BTC ($15 equivalent) to the address below and then send us an email to moon at our domain to receive the access codes via return email (sorry for the in-built delays in this process).
[h=2]18HyEjoX2foxzsMSrqwanyELxQUQCtW88w[/h] To purchase with Paypal:

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