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Half Past Human Project

[h=1]The business of the break-away civilization and how to exploit it for pleasure and profit.[/h][h=4]by clif high, December 28, 2015 5:02pm[/h]With respect, i am assuming that any reader of these words is familiar with the concept and context of the break-away civilization.
However familiar you may be with the break-away civilization as an outsider, you may not have considered just what the business of the break-away civilization really is, and what it can do to enhance your life and future.
[h=2]read more here ->[/h]

[h=1]How to turn 4.5 grams of gold into 920,000 US dollars; and what is puking a market?[/h]
by clif high, December 5, 2015 8:58pm (way past my usual bedtime, but could not resist the idea)
with respect...
So, of course, fraud is involved. Let us be straight up about that. How else could 4.5 grams of gold be sold for $920,000. But also, let us be clear about how damn easy it is...
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[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=2]Think for a minute..about the world's First Time Travel Project...[/h] by clif high, November 2, 2015, 7:38am
with respect....
Think for a minute about the Manhattan Project that created the atomic bomb and ushered humans into the nuclear age. This was during world war 2 (the second such war to burden humanity by central banks), and it was not, as history tell us, a secret.
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A Life under the Ice.

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]A Life under the Ice.[/h]By clif high

An original, prescient novel and screen play presented as serial installments. Copyright to clif high, 2015, all rights reserved.
Erkenntnis:Chapter 2

Marine walked slowly within the larger circle of girls. She was always cold and so gravitated to the center of the crowd the way a puppy digs into the puppy-pile when sleeping. As she walked forward she moved inward until she was surrounded by young women her own age, all looking remarkably alike...young, blond, big hips, strong thighs, and she could at last not see the strange land around her, only under her feet as she moved slowly forward at the gentle urging of the herd instinct of the crowd.
Marine had been one of the last to come down the long springing plank to the shore. She was last because that was her nature and her training....”no reason to hurry in life” said her mother constantly...
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Coventry...the solution !

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=3]Coventry...the solution ![/h]by clif high, Saturday,October 24,2015 11:04 am
with respect..
We'll call it 'Coventry', both the place and the reality TV show. It will be THE solution...
First we find a few hundred acres of wilderness land out here in the West that has had the hell fracked out of it. You know, pitted, dimpled, crushed, cracked and fracked into something the Bad Lands would disown.
[h=2](read more)[/h]


Cold Thermogenesis for adults!

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]Cold Thermogenesis for adults![/h]by clif high, Tuesday,October 20,2015 7:42pm
with respect..
Cold thermogenesis is NOT about weight loss, at least not for the aging bio-hacker. Rather it is about the same sort of 'stimulus - adaptation - result' that is used by all athletes everywhere to produce muscle growth...only the idea with CT for adults is to produce a result within the telomeres of your DNA.
The telomeres are used by DNA to record (in a crude understanding of the idea) how many 'copies' of the cell has been created. Over time the telomeres drop off, showing mass copying, and you (the cell) dies...
read the rest @ HPH

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