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Half Past Human Project



By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

by clif high, Tuesday, December 24 2013 9:07am

with respect...
So, we use it constantly, obsess over it when not using it, dream about it when not obsessing or using it, bond it emotionally to everything from sex to odors to colors, and yet have not got a ****ing clue as to just what is this 'money'?


Read older articles here...


The hole in Max Keiser's head...

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

The hole in Max Keiser's head...
by clif high, Saturday, December 21 2013 10:52am
with respect...
There is a giant hole in Max Keiser's head. No, of course it is not any of the obvious ones,
and it is likely only visible to the 'whole-ly' initiated amongst us, aka the 'woo-woo' world.
Now don't take my meaning the wrong way; i love Max Keiser as brain food...

[h=1]clif's wujo...[/h] [h=2]a series of audio discourses....[/h] Now hosting wujo's on our server, so be kind, once downloaded, easily shared.
(right click on link, chose 'save as' to download)
E71 - There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.[/url] - WS
- December 18, 2013 BotApp, BTC, Fed, Data
clifs wujo December 18, 2013


New Woo E-70 Quarkcoin & piss'em off monday

By SumDumGuy, in Wu-Jo,

[h=1]clif's wujo...[/h] [h=2]a series of audio discourses....[/h] Now hosting wujo's on our server, so be kind, once downloaded, easily shared.
(right click on link, chose 'save as' to download)
E70 - December 16, 2013 Quarkcoin & piss'em off monday.
clifs wujo December 16, 2013


New Woo E-68

By SumDumGuy, in Wu-Jo,

Now hosting wujo's on our server, so be kind, once downloaded, easily shared.
(right click on link, chose 'save as' to download)
E68 -December 8, 2013 Terra, site, BTC/btc
clifs wujo December 8, 2013


Right at this Moment

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

Right at this moment...
by clif high, Friday, November 22 2013 6:32am
with respect...
So, years ago (in the 1980s), humanity 'invented' digital signal processing as a replacement for the analog telephone system which was rapidly collapsing under the population growth, and had been determined to be a severe limitation on 'business' by corp-gov.

Joy in Hawaii
Bitcoin is a result of Inspiration. It remained only an idea for a tool/weapon until the right catalyst came along, the mysterious Satoshi. When that catalyst was added a sort of Spiritual Bose-Einstein condensate was created and the Inspiration/Idea was born into the consciousness of Satoshi. It was time, it was the Karios of the Times. Bitcoin slipped into Universe's pre-planned spot as easily as a famous foot into a glass slipper. THAT is why I support Bitcoin.
One of the very first things we must re-establish is Trust. And included in that Trust is a trust in the unseen. From a beautiful poster in my basement: "All that I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all that I have not seen." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yes, it goes back to a much more naive age, but isn't that exactly what we are told is the key? The return to the sense of childlike wonderment and trust? It's the antidote to the jaded cold reptile like creatures we've become. And it sounds like alot of PollyWallyDoodleTwaddle if you are only living in that half-life in that half-world because you refuse to see the other side of the coin aaaaand the depth that now gives your world an added dimension that gives you perspective.
I'm talking trust on a level unseen in the modern world for a very long time. If you want to see an example of living a life of complete trust, read the adventures of Anastasia in "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" series.
This whole Bitcoin phenomena has been brought about to re-establish TRUST. So if you're really having trouble with Bitcoin, it might behoove you to look deep inside and find out where it is that your having trust issues in your personal life. NOBODY gets across to the other side without taking a leap of faith....and trusting that you will land safely on the other side. This is a test, people. It's only a test.....but it involves far more than mere coins and paper.


my enemy knows my name, and so fears it.....

By SumDumGuy, in Essays,

[h=2]my enemy knows my name, and so fears it..... [/h] by clif high, Thursday, November 14 2013 4:40pm
It suddenly struck me as a result of a conversation: my enemy knows my name! and so fears it that they will not have it used in their presence!
They fear its vibration...in sound, or written.
Doubt me?



Energy 2 Army

By SumDumGuy, in Reports,

we never do this, but...extracted from this report:
[h=2]Energy 2 Army[/h] The data sets have a clear accretion pattern that shows as modelspace is moved past mid November. In this pattern a set that is headed by [energy], that includes [energy from space], is shown as [shifting power] over to [the army]. This area of the GlobalPopulace entity is focused on north america. These data sets could be interpreted as suggesting an [event] {ed note: false or not} that is [energy focused (grid down?)], and that would lead to [power (social?) (political?)] being [shifted (over to the) Army].
To read the rest of this Excerpt, head over to Half Past Human


Clif's Wu-Jo E-62 Lying Sob's

By SumDumGuy, in Wu-Jo,

[h=2]a series of audio discourses....[/h]
torrent files kindly supplied from holland

Now hosting wujo's on our server, so be kind, once downloaded, easily shared.

(right click on link, chose 'save as' to download)
E62 - August 26, 2013
ice age, sitchen lying sob, leiderhosen, expansion events, ison, iron plume, sink holes, BTC, AU, AG
clifs wujo August 26, 2013


new woo...Feb 9 2013

By SumDumGuy, in Wu-Jo,

new woo...Feb 9 2013, notes left over
from SDM/Freedom Slips interview...yes,
there were DDOS attacks during the show.
torrent file here
Many thanks to DJSadu

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