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Hyperinflation Will Collapse Biden Administration – Clif High

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larry nadwodney


I doubt that Hyper inflation will go very far..Collapse, is possible, but not through uncontrolled inflation.. We have the ability to shut down the economy  by having enough debt that we cant support the system to maintain the web or whatever you want to call our life support.. Biden is just one aspect that ceases to exist with any real meaning.. Biden, WHO?   No power for the TV., radio, CCards to work. The end of what.. We are all worrying about what we can't control. It is coming; we all know that.. See what you can do to lessen the impact with out .. My neighbor is on the HP sugar drink mix. He throws out the plastic bottles, I gather and save. Great for when  the taps run dry.. A lot is going to mess up..If you can't fix it, go around and stop wasting your time on what you can't fix. Water will be a good trading item.. Even better if you can purify, and maybe flavor..Hyper inflation is just some thing o waste time on.DEtermine what will go up in value. The word will be barter. One I like is fire starters.,the spark kind.. Flint and an old file work well



Lessons Learned from Surviving Romania's Hyperinflation in the 90's...Arpad & Lynette Zang





On 7/21/2021 at 3:02 PM, larry nadwodney said:

I doubt that Hyper inflation will go very far..Collapse, is possible, but not through uncontrolled inflation.. We have the ability to shut down the economy  by having enough debt that we cant support the system to maintain the web or whatever you want to call our life support.. Biden is just one aspect that ceases to exist with any real meaning.. Biden, WHO?   No power for the TV., radio, CCards to work. The end of what.. We are all worrying about what we can't control. It is coming; we all know that.. See what you can do to lessen the impact with out .. My neighbor is on the HP sugar drink mix. He throws out the plastic bottles, I gather and save. Great for when  the taps run dry.. A lot is going to mess up..If you can't fix it, go around and stop wasting your time on what you can't fix. Water will be a good trading item.. Even better if you can purify, and maybe flavor..Hyper inflation is just some thing o waste time on.DEtermine what will go up in value. The word will be barter. One I like is fire starters.,the spark kind.. Flint and an old file work well

Hyper inflation is fairly straightforward.  You either cut demand or slop money out of the system.  That is accomplished by allowing a recession to occur—and by raising interest rates to pull free cash out of the system.


For the average person, those choices suck.  They are painful.  The foment dissent.  And that is why would probably won’t see either of those things until after the mid terms in the US.  They will set up the incoming party as the “bag holders.”


As with most Clif predictions, I think this is probably overstated.  We’ve had quite the economic run since the 2008-09 issues.  Covid was bad, but transitory (use of the word intended.)


Changing the guard from the Boomers to the Millenials will be as painful as the ‘68-‘80 period in the US.  But we will survive.  The “kids” are smart.  If the old fogeys would retire, this world would be a better place.  And I am one of the old folks.

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