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Summary: Space Woo -2021-2-20

   (4 reviews)

Upcoming month starting on Feb 24 through Mar 25

Words "large, transforming, fundamentally affecting ... +

Part of destruction of the past, institutions banks, etc

Language goes to silver squeeze affecting banking at transformative level.

"Completion, putting to rest", getting closure on aspects of transformation and destruction of the past.

Not a lot of language at this time on digesting the past, what has occurred. Interest is to the future.

Reacting on a daily basis, looking at what is coming next.

Deadly winter followed by "space woos".

Conditions affect ability to do biz as usual in space. Things crashed into, debris field a real hazard.

Won't be able to launch things for several years until it clears up.

Crashes could be meteors, language did not say.

Space debris TM to secrets revealed, reverse engineering alien tech etc.

74 years of secrecy ending, lives destroyed by secrecy.

Need to drop idea life is fair, progressive entitled thinking.

Have to let go of justice, recriminations, - must forgive mistakes, things done 50 yrs ago in defense of the species.

Can't focus on the lies and damage - need to accept and move on because we do not have the luxury of time.


Getting first signs of Ice Age. Can be rapid with solar minimums and waning magnetosphere.

Very rapid might be 2 years or 20 years.

Glaciers can appear in 2 years. Needs continuous precipitation and stable evaporation nearby.

Jet streams drive weather along with oceans. Jets streams may be delivering new weather. Lots of water.

Jet streams could create inland seas. One likely but he cannot say where.

The core of the North American ice sheet - formed in six weeks with massive storms of solid rain in freezing conditions.

Example - if we had the polar vortex shift over to the SW and the point is off TX. Could get wet jet streams off the west coast meeting cold.

SW badlands may have been formed by melting glaciers.

Cannot say if glaciers will form in same places, unlikely.

Glaciers in northern Italy, Switzerland, Chile and Peru are recent glaciers formed in the last minimum 400-600 years ago and have been melting.


New glaciers are likely to be larger. Heading onto a more serious Ice age.

If it is a mini ice age we should reach the peak by 2041.

We should see by solar activity or lack of activity if we are in a lessor ice age like a Dalton Minimum.

If so, the cold effects will last 60 years past 2041 . We would have US temps like we saw in the 1920-30s.

We may have a spring space storm, debris layer, will participate in our ability to do space forecasts - get info from space.

Would not want to be on the international space station. real chance you would not make it back.


Climate effects could come in rapidly. Humans cannot alter the climate to mitigate an ice age.

We can respond effectively.

We need new tech. Need Manhattan style project right now to save as much of humanity as we can.

We need magnetic motors. Even those with 20% efficiency would be valuable.  Elon Musk should look that way.

Magnetic motors would allow electric vehicles to be useful everywhere. Not affected by grid failure and sky high rates.

We need a power wall energy pack. Homes could help feed the grid as well as supply home energy.

Could make crypto mining cheap.

Factories and industrial might helps when making such a big change.

Based on language  - maybe Mar we will see a start.

Feb 24 - crying and complaining session.

March may start to see a commitment to making sense and approaching environment, politics, voting machines etc.


Boating metaphor - heavy weather tactics in a storm - when to deploy it? Timing is key.

Clif doing a lot of videos to try and help.

Large period of time,  peak Feb 24 - end of Nov - extends out into 2022.

Some relief from space woo, space debris in 2022. Failed experiments and then one that works.

Going into a global depression, global low pressure system in regards to money.

Bribe and secrecy money dries up. Loss of purchasing power.

Governments cannot respond to hyperinflation.  Long time to react to economic conditions rapidly changing conditions.

Feb 24 crying and complaining - leads to hyper inflation unity?

Some kind of resolution that will not be good for government procuring process.

Real problems with gov - where the price of goods outstrips their ability to pay - company submits bill on contract.

Example: Price on the ground of commodity rapid rises $0.80 to $8 per gal milk etc.

If government stops paying for milk the contractor stops delivering. Prisons no milk - prison riots etc.

By the time the gov adjusts to $8 dollar price it will be $16 and then $58, etc fast.

Will affect people being paid $10K month bonus for keeping quiet.

They will do something to earn money with their secrets.

If we , the US, have a political breakup similar to the Soviet union, it will be for similar economic reasons.

Not political reasons. We have been infiltrated by the CCP - corrupted our education, emasculating men since 1920's, etc.

Not quite the same as USSR.

Based on what was seen in the USSR. When bribes did not cover food.

It will only take 3 months for scientist types and other secret keepers selling info.


We will start to see crying and complaining Feb 24 - but the majority of the effect will be after March.

Feb session, weeping, wailing, gnashing teeth, histrionics.

March starts to see effects, response.

Mar through Nov ( Dec 1), pretty steady level of emotional tension.

Big building tension and releases of tension through out this period of time.

Negative building tension,  ie; crytpo FOMO

Positive building tension for crytpo holders. Release when sell for fiat etc.

Some crypto holders will sell to buy and stimulate economy.

Secrets revealed, emotional turmoil, political turmoil, UFO info etc.

Clif does not see US breaking up. Not seeing it in the language at this time.


Silver temporal marker 21 years old, $600 silver -

Clif got shit for it, on Art Bell. Said people would not want to live in a time with $600 silver.

( note - the longer something has been in the data the bigger the impact)

Imagine what $600 silver will do to the banks. Silver drying up at wholesale level.

Silver production waning in India and China.

Imagine what will happen if silver escalates beyond the ability of banks to control it.
Bix Weir; silver controlled 150-160 since Opium wars in china - was about silver.

Got people hooked on drugs and demanded silver. Silver left china at such a rate it started a war.

1789 French revolution upheaval around industrialization and corruption of the money - killed the populations and they killed the elite.

Here we have compounding space woo, weather woo,  ice age maybe.

Need to react, shift capital, reindustrialize under terrible conditions.

Diaspora? Great lakes center of glaciation cold and growing areas around it shrink.

All this going on while the strength of our money is failing.


Not the end of the world, humanity.

We do have to stop doing stupid things.  New Tesla car not valuable if roads frozen across the country.

Age of Aquarius - Age of knowledge.

Knowledge rises to the top when being wrong has too a high a cost.

We are at this point. BS will fade.

Clif thinks we could make magnetic motors that last 5 years for $4-5K.

Need some raw materials. Neodymium magnets and plastics. US only makes nylon.

The motor will need replacing but the generator may last 50 years.

Magnets will lose their magnetism in the constant swirl within the aether.

Should be building them better later.

Not free energy - will have cost to produce,  just don't have to provide fuel for it.

Like a heat pump for electricity.


We will decide the climate is actually connected to space.

We will need to react to it.

Those that think we can change the climate and climate science is settled will not make it.

Let go of people that will not let you move forward. Not everyone will make it.

Old data says we will lose 1/7 of the population approx 1 billion people.

We have always had problems - you could get hit by a car, die of food poisoning, but in this time we will have grand space things etc.

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Ah, Greenmeadow, you are our gemstone amongst the pebbles.


Thanks so much, for doing this summary. It absolutely amazing to see how clif's calls from 2016/17 are now coming to be reality. 








   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I find having the "cheat sheet" extremely valuable both as an aid to memory after the first listening, but also when coming back to these presentations later. 


There is no substitute for hearing and seeing facial expressions, body postures, vocal tones, and all the personality colors that come off of Clif (or any other speaker) as they are sharing. But once that is taken in, what we come back for is the data, which you have captured here in shortest form.  It will make our research easier when we are witnessing the manifestations and can easily dig up these advance descriptions.


Thank you for investing this time for us all to benefit from, Greenmeadow!


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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

terrific  ,, thank you so  much  GM ..

* * * * * 

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Fantastic summary!

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