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Two Suns a sign we are entering a New World?


Reports about two suns fill internet articles and blogs while videos are posted on youtube showing two sunsets or two orbs in the sky that look like two suns. Reports come from many different countries. Sun dogs? Possibly? Planet X or the Destroyer? Maybe.


Unfortunately an answer in the fives sense worlds does not add up. Why:


1) If a second sun was nearing earth, such a body should be causing gravitational influences on the earth and other nearby planets?

2) A second sun doesn't just appear and disappear and make u-turns. It has an orbit and hence if people in Holland and China and Sri Lanka are indeed seeing the second sun, then logically they should be seeing it everyday. Manipulating film is one thing, but manipulating people going out into their backyards and viewing the sunset is another.

3) Finally how can only some people in one country see it and other people in other countries not see it?


It defies logic.


But there is another explanation, a woo woo explanation.


Dolores Canon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specialises in the recovery of “lost knowledge” to facilitate healing and closure. In her books, The Convoluted Universe she explains that humanity is at a period of unprecedented evolutionary shift. It is this time on earth now that will require each of us to make an important choice: move into a new reality of consciousness or remain in a world of increasing trauma and drama. Two earths. The old earth and the new earth.


Dolores shares her insights into the evolution to the New Earth in this extract from The Convoluted Universe Volume III.


“The Earth is a living being that is crying out to be saved. It is trying to rid itself of the invaders by cleansing itself: floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. They are all cries for help. It is as though the Earth is ridding itself of its own karma before it reincarnates into another existence. A pristine, beautiful, perfect new environment where it can start anew, taking along with it those who are capable of adjusting to the new vibrations and frequencies, to create a new world. The old world is headed for destruction. However it cannot be total physical destruction of the planet itself, because that would cause disruption in the vibratory field of other planetary bodies and dimensions in the universe. So the Earth has chosen to split off into two worlds, leaving those who want to continue to live in fear and violence to continue on the „old‟ Earth. And creating a „new‟ home environment for those who want to progress and evolve. The two types can no longer live side by side on the same planet. Things have changed too much. So the vibration and frequency has to be changed."



If this is indeed true, and we are in a transition between worlds, could it be possible that during this transitionary phase, during this evolutionary shift for both mankind and the earth, people are indeed seeing the veils of the new world open up? As in the movie LadyHawke, during that period between day and night, twilight is where we can glimpse both worlds simultaneously. It is here where the new world is born and it may be why people are seeing two suns on one day, and not on another day.


Is the new world as envisioned by Dolores Cannon in the process of birth?

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