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Immediacy Data Intelligence Report


[h=1]Home [/h] [h=1]Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=2]access subscription for January 2013 data reports.[/h] Note these are copyrighted reports in a blatant money making scheme, so please do not share.


Also, please note that each month, you must purchase access for that month in order to obtain the ID/Password codes to that month's download page.


Right click on the links below, and save-as to download.



Or Left click and let the OS lead you through saving process.


Welcome Message for IDIR service.


January 3, 2013 IDIR - EU, Japan, USA



Note on recording quality...was running background processes. Will not do that in future.



[h=1]Home [/h] [h=1][/h] [h=1]Immediacy Data Intelligence Report[/h] [h=2]a subscription service of audio discussions on immediacy data intrepretation....[/h] Halfpasthuman is offering a subscription service in which we will provide audio reports on the immediacy data. These are copyrighted audio reports, delivered before noon each Thursday Pacific coast time, detailing the immediacy data forecast for the upcoming week.


Note that this is a calendar month subscription with non recurring charges. Each month it will be necessary for another subscription to be purchased in order to get the latest access codes. Access to any month is $30 US. Individual reports will be made available for $15 on the weekend following their creation.


Note that we expect this service to be terminated by circumstances beyond our control at some point in 2013. This service is provided on a 'for as long as it lasts' basis, and we are to be explicitly held harmless if universe intrudes on our ability to provide continuation in any given month. It is for this reason that we are structured on a monthly, manual renewal format.



Note: Immediacy data produces forecasts effective from 3/three hours, out through the third week. The peak of this data type performance has been 3/three days out through 8/eight days.



To purchase access:



NOTE for paypal users: please select the option to return to halfpasthuman.com or Tenax Labs (depending on how it is displayed) after you complete the paypal operation. This will return you to a page that will provide you with your user id and password.


for January 2013:



Please Proceed to:



Content herein copyright 2012/2013 by clif high, all rights reserved. Please do not copy, nor share.





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