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Future forecasting... Halfpasthuman Reports ALTA IDIR


[h=3]Future forecasting...[/h] [h=1]Halfpasthuman Reports ALTA IDIR[/h]


[h=1]IDIR Reports[/h] A sample IDIR report (video format) is available at the bottom of this page.


Halfpasthuman offers Immediacy Data Intelligence Reports (IDIR) in audio/mp3 format. These reports cover new trends in 'immediacy data' (IM data) which has an effective range of 3/three days out through 3/three weeks (inclusive). Our shorter, and longer term data sets are (mostly) covered in our ALTA reports which are text format.


The IDIR reports are MP3 files produced from our examination of the immediacy data sets gathered by our data mining process. These reports are prepared weekly, and will be available by 9am (Pacific Coast Time Zone) each Friday. Due to the nature of immediacy data and its propensity to shift rapidly, these reports may be made available prior to Friday morning should circumstances dictate. Without regard to day of posting the schedule is set at one IDIR report per week.

[h=2]Weekly Access[/h] The Halfpasthuman IDIR reports are available for purchase weekly at the (current) price of $10 (Federal Reserve Notes), or (near) equivalent in BTC (bitcoin). These reports are delivered in the form of MP3 files that may be downloaded to your PC. Each IDIR report will run longer than 30/thirty minutes, and will cover the IM data for that next week and follow those memes into the next month.

The Halfpasthuman IDIR Weeks Access Pass may be purchased for the current price of $10 (Federal Reserve Notes), or (near) equivalent in BTC (bitcoin).


Note that if you use BTC to purchase, you MUST send us an email to moon at this domain with an email address for us to return your access codes for that purchase.


To purchase the current week's IDIR reports via Paypal.



To purchase the current week's IDIR reports via BTC: send 0.016 BTC to the address below:



[h=2]Monthly Access Pass[/h] The Halfpasthuman IDIR reports are available by monthly access pass. These monthly access passes are NON recurring, and are not subscriptions. . This is due to our process and the value of the IM data as it ages. Monthly access passes MUST be purchased each month in order to get that month's user/id and password for access to the reports.


These new ID sets are only issued the first day of the month, and will need to be purchased after that point. If a monthly access pass is purchased in later weeks it does allow access to the previous weeks' IDIR for that month.


PLEASE NOTE: the purchase of a monthly access pass is good for only the month issued. Therefore later in the month you may be better off purchasing the IDIR reports weekly until the next month. Each month's pass will be able to access those IDIR reports in perpetuity, but only that month. Each month the passwords/user-id will change.

The Halfpasthuman IDIR Monthly Access Pass may be purchased for the current price of $40 (Federal Reserve Notes), or (near) equivalent in BTC (bitcoin).


Note that if you use BTC to purchase, you MUST send us an email to moon at this domain with an email address for us to return your access codes for that purchase.


To purchase the IDIR reports via Paypal.



To purchase the IDIR reports via monthly access pass in BTC: send 0.069 BTC to the address below:



To purchase IDIR reports via monthly access pass in silver, gold, other legal tender sent via snail mail, contact Moon at this 4305 Biscay St. NW, Olympia, WA, 98502.

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