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The #NewNormal​ ; @clif_high joins us for #WUJU​ Wednesday!

WBF Monk

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It was interesting. Like always he brings up ideas that I haven't thought about. I do like his ideas about intuition. But I'm still dismayed at his dogmatic adherence to Thinking and Destiny. 


As far as I'm concerned, T&D has become his Bible, and he'll swat you in the back of the head with it just as fast as a southern fundamentalist preacher. I've enjoyed about as much of that as I can stand.


As for channeling, I've never accepted it. Probably never will. I enjoy his perspective. But that it would damage someone's soul to the point of that soul returning as a schizophrenic, well I'm just not going to go that far.



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1 hour ago, DaddyBob said:

As for channeling, I've never accepted it. Probably never will. I enjoy his perspective. But that it would damage someone's soul to the point of that soul returning as a schizophrenic, well I'm just not going to go that far.


i was gonna go into a rant with my two selves  asking and answering questions  .. but i quickly became confused as to

 who was lying and who was/is telling  the truth..

but  DaddyBob could you tell us if you have read much of the Bible ...?

and if you  think there is any  truth to it ..?

and who wrote it  .. as i'm un-clear  about the author  ...  ?

is it worth the read ...  ?

so  i would guess for you there is NO "go too book" for many of the answers , say a young person might use

and appreciate for life questions  ..  ?   other then phone DB up and demand he come over to un-plug the shitter..


i certainly have no such book..  my answer for a long time and continues to be  ,,"everything is a GOD Damn lie"



Edited by Crazy Charlie
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1 hour ago, Crazy Charlie said:

i was gonna go into a rant with my two selves  asking and answering questions  .. but i quickly became confused as to

 who was lying and who was/is telling  the truth..

but  DaddyBob could you tell us if you have read much of the Bible ...?

and if you  think there is any  truth to it ..?

and who wrote it  .. as i'm un-clear  about the author  ...  ?

is it worth the read ...  ?

so  i would guess for you there is NO "go too book" for many of the answers , say a young person might use

and appreciate for life questions  ..  ?   other then phone DB up and demand he come over to un-plug the shitter..


i certainly have no such book..  my answer for a long time and continues to be  ,,"everything is a GOD Damn lie"




You are a scream.


The short answers are...


I take truth where I find it.


The Bible wasn't written by one person. It wasn't even edited or assembled by one person. Best answers for me came from Bart Ehrman, but maybe that's because I can relate to him.


I have several versions and studied them intensely until one day I heard, in my head... If you don't stop this you'll go crazy. Some might argue that it was already too late.


I certainly still find some passages useful.


Unstopping a shitter is a necessary modern life skill. Like just about everything else I take on, I can regale you with what I know about it. It's actually a fascinating subject. Especially since the gooberment got involved. Boy did they ever create work for Handymen who are willin'. People will pay. I know a guy who makes a nice living doing little else. He taught me a lot. Probably more than every preacher I ever listened to.

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THANKS  D B  for reply..


i finally listened to this all...

really enjoyed  the first half , where he describes witnessing a channeling  ..and noticing the being 

sucking energy  .. 

wish  i had heard that story  .. Years ago .. NOT THAT i buy too much out right  ... but still ..??

The GETWISDOM material in every session repeats how bad channeling is .. 

still like their message and imo ,,as i  never   hear  love and light shit  or "Dear Ones" kinda shit ..

its usually  very dark..  

actually THINK Karl has taken it plenty far  .. ( he is the channeler) and should stop now...

and stick to healing...


now back to this interview with Clif  later in the interview Lisa asks about people talking to GOD 

not Dead HUMANS ( who Clif says is just NOT possible to talk to the dead..)  ..

he dances around answering that  , but i will have to go back and listen again... 


i find it kinda annoying too that Clif references that book at least 3 or 4 times  ..

  as if it would answer all our QUESTIONS  if we only read it.. ????


how many here  .. have  really read it.. ( Not ME )  i'm waiting for the audio version... hah.. 

if i had serious money  i'd pay some one to do it  .. and a few other  books as well....sigh .. 

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