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Devolution Power Hour - With Patel Patriot

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Chris V


That was fantastic. as. always Clif!!!   


I keep having this recurring. question - why did China want to kill millions of their own people in Wuhan if they are at war with North America?



To download from Twitch : https://en.fetchfile.net

Insert: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1246471318

Then select an .m3u8 file link.

Then copypaste it into ffmpeg for streaming into a file :

This is the ffmpeg command:

ffmpeg -i "https://d1m7jfoe9zdc1j.cloudfront.net/5d529807ffe2fd09010b_patelpatriot_44946996189_1640747672/360p30/index-muted-8NT76EW7KQ.m3u8" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc clifvid1.mp4

It's 435mb | 1 hour and 35 minutes long.

For anyone with ffmpeg on their machine you can copy and paste that command into a terminal while you're in an apropriate directory. Apologies if teaching to suck eggs.

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