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Clif High - Beyond the Gates of Death: Transmigration, Reincarnation, & Metempsychosis

WBF Monk




Like spiritual anarchists we smash in the doors to the other side letting out some of its light. Come hear all about nekrosis, like: How does Clif define the metaphysical anatomy of man? Which ancient traditions preserved death insight & what did they relate? What has science found? What is heaven & hell? Which parts of us, if any, survive? Will some perish? Do animals have souls? Can souls split & fuse? How long between incarnations? Do we return in different gender? Do we incarnate linear in time? In our own blood line? On different planets? Do we look the same throughout lives? + learn how the crude elite try to rig the metaphysical order...


Edited by Foxx

  • Cheers 1

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