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Rubber and pea money and timing.....


[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=2]Rubber and pea money and timing.....[/h]by clif high March 7 2015 7:38am

Just before the previous 'great' Depression set in to the local Pacific North West area in the 1930's, my step grandfather, smelling the changes in the wind, invested his savings in a share of what was called a 'gold mine' in central Washington state . It was a mine, of a sort, having a hole in a hill in which the 5/five share-holder/miners lived in the Summer when on site, however all of the gold was being extracted by panning methods in the local stream as the mine was far too distant in very trecherous terrain for the owners to pack in heavy equipment. As he told his story, my grandfather did mention the occassional 'experiment' with this 'new technology (for them)' of locally produced dyno-mite. But in the end, the miners were successful in panning some serious (for the days) wealth out of the uninviting area and bitterly cold streams that cost my grandfather feeling in the ends of his hands for the rest of his life, but he always maintained it was a small cost to pay for what they all gained. My grandfather used his gold to prepare for the up-coming 'Bigger War' (his name for WW2)....


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