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Cold Thermogenesis for adults!

[h=2]perpetuo autem....in the ever present now...[/h] [h=3]Cold Thermogenesis for adults![/h]by clif high, Tuesday,October 20,2015 7:42pm


with respect..


Cold thermogenesis is NOT about weight loss, at least not for the aging bio-hacker. Rather it is about the same sort of 'stimulus - adaptation - result' that is used by all athletes everywhere to produce muscle growth...only the idea with CT for adults is to produce a result within the telomeres of your DNA.


The telomeres are used by DNA to record (in a crude understanding of the idea) how many 'copies' of the cell has been created. Over time the telomeres drop off, showing mass copying, and you (the cell) dies...


read the rest @ HPH

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