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A Life under the Ice.


[h=2]A Life under the Ice.[/h]By clif high

An original, prescient novel and screen play presented as serial installments. Copyright to clif high, 2015, all rights reserved.



Erkenntnis:Chapter 2

Marine walked slowly within the larger circle of girls. She was always cold and so gravitated to the center of the crowd the way a puppy digs into the puppy-pile when sleeping. As she walked forward she moved inward until she was surrounded by young women her own age, all looking remarkably alike...young, blond, big hips, strong thighs, and she could at last not see the strange land around her, only under her feet as she moved slowly forward at the gentle urging of the herd instinct of the crowd.


Marine had been one of the last to come down the long springing plank to the shore. She was last because that was her nature and her training....”no reason to hurry in life” said her mother constantly...


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