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January 2017 ALTA : Sci-fi World..

WBF Monk

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January 2017 ALTA : Sci-fi World..




Note this is a PDF (written) ALTA report in the original format. The range of this report is from January 2017 through to mid 2046.


This report is in the newer, more readable format.

Pricing is a small $15 (US dollars).






To purchase the ALTA Report ->






Meta data


It's here!


Much of what you will read in these pages will seem fantastic,


thus the title of this report; Sci-fi World.


It needs to be noted that we have no preconception for the contents or focus of these reports from

month to month excepting those longer term sets that have been building over time as these patterns are

expected to continue. Sometimes they do not.


We allow the data to set the agenda for each report as the processing unfolds and modelspace is



In late 2003, it became certain that a 'context change' was pending. We had not a clue as to what the

'context change' was, how it would be shaped, but we did know it was on its way, it was big, at least as

big in impact as the Banda Ache earthquake and tsunami, and that it would affect USAPop in a

substantial way with impacts carrying on for years. These and many other details were noted for

months as the 'context change' worked its way toward us at that time. As the emotional bubble got

'closer' to us in that now, more details emerged until months before it manifest, we had data suggesting

that the 'context change' would be the 'emergence (of the) undocumented (illegal) workers'. Shortly

thereafter there were 'millions of feet' as forecast out walking and stomping all over the previous

'context' in which the illegal worker component of USAPop was 'invisible'.


So it happened; it manifested, and in so doing, just ever so slightly ahead of appearing in the

matterium, we received hints of it coming. The process of our bare, vague hints of foreknowledge and

the subsequent manifestation of the context change occupied us for over a year, in fact, slightly over

19/nineteen months. By way of explanation, that is what is called the 'effective' long term data limit

here at halfpasthuman.


We are, here at hph, considering that we may be witnessing the manifestation of an 'ultra-long trend

context change'. If correct, then what has been within the data sets since 1998 (our second full run and

processing), is in the process of manifesting. If correct, then the data has been providing hints of this

very large GlobalPop context change for nearly 2/two decades. This and many other meta data level

elements give us here at hph a good base of confidence in the forecast you are about to read in spite of

the fantastic, and science fiction quality of much of the information coming through our processing.

We can, of course, be wrong about the interpretation of the data provided, however it also needs to be

noted that the prescient language forecast in our last few reports continues to manifest nearly daily.

Thus, reading as though a fantasy, these reports have a self evident record of being accurate into

content, if not timing.


The data sets for a number of years have had a sort of battle between the emotional sums of several

alternative 'collective views' or 'paradigms' for the future. We are all aware of the predictive

programming spewing out of Hollywood entertainment conglomerates, and several of these express the

memes found in our seemingly conflicting visions of the future of humanity. These are the 'scene-arios'

that ThePowersThatBe are trying to inculcate into reality. A form of their 'spirit cooking'. One of the

proffered visions we can collect under the label of 'mad max world'. Another can be claimed as 'serf

planet', while a third can be thought of as “Caligula's Deviant Reality'.


Seemingly the decision has been made by universe to take humanity into what we can label as 'Sci-fi

World'. In this world, we don't really have a singular movie idea that can be used to identify our

collective future. As we go forward into this brave new 'sci-fi world', we can rest assured that we will

all be helping to describe our new collective experience.


Stated another way, universe has made a decision, or humanity has, but not TPTB. The limited, and

usually horrific, vision for the future offered by TPTB is being forecast as being 'flushed'. This is good



At a meta data layer (basically slicing data out of all the entities around a common theme such as

'security' or 'secrets', the 'sci-fi world' has been just erupting out of our data these last two reports. The

new data sets began accruing in late 2015 for a significant change in what we can call the operational

paradigm for humanity without actually hinting as to what direction we would be taking. Over the

course of 2016, especially from April onward, the data sets have been, slowly at first, then faster as the

year progressed, settling in supporting positions to our descriptor for 'Sci-fi World'.


In the Sci-fi World paradigm, we are not simply discussing 'new technologies', nor even 'energy breakthrough'

though those are certainly part of the coming experience. Rather we are going to discuss a

spreading continuum that will be growing bigger with each new addition to the total. The continuum

forming will seem to be growing so wide as to obscure its boundaries. We have data sets for the 'flying

car boys', as well as the 'ancient civilization discovery' (discussed in previous ALTA reports). Of course

we must not forget the 'aquatic humans', and the 'space aliens', {ed note: including the still pending flyby

from a 'space alien cruise ship'}. There are also going to be a form of 'inter dimensional energy

transfer' that will not be part of the 'energy engineering' taking place here on earth. These and many

other references can be found within this ALTA report as we are about to move into the new Sci-fi

world, whether we are 'brave' or not.


The 'bravery' or 'courage' issue is going to surface in several areas of humanity over early 2017 as the

data sets have 'religion' (especially monotheism) under 'factual assault' from 'new discoveries'. These

'factual assaults' are showing as 'over turning' and 'upending' (over the next 10/ten years) of the

'claimed origins' for the 'religions'. New information is forecast as coming from 'the other side of the

planet' that is going to 'prove (biblical distortions of history)' and 'non participation' of any of the

'monotheism religions' in any of their 'claimed history'. These sets are suggesting that the greatest

'reformation (of) human thought' in over 7000/seven thousand years will be overtaking us all the rest of

this decade and beyond. The longer term sets have it only taking a quick 4/four years for the

'established religious structures (organizations)' to be 'dying', and 'abandoned' as 'facts' (and new

technological innovations) allow for a 'tentative rewriting (of human history)'.


Sci-fi World


An apt descriptor.


The report this time was really well organized especially considering the length.


Of course when I read SpaceGoatFarts the first thing that popped into my head was Star Trek IV - the Journey Home. Not exactly what was written, but it makes me wonder the connections and programming. Predisposing? Predictive? Coincidence? Programming?


I am, of course, very curious about what they got wrong in the dietary realm. I know it seems an odd thing given all the other incredible things in the report, but food is a basic requirement. Is it just the religious restrictions? How deep is the impact? I suppose we will learn. Soon.


And thousands of inventions? I balked a bit at that one although the Mr. assures me under the right circumstances a walk out to the garage can result in a half dozen. I'm not so sure.


Well done. It took quite a bit of time to chew through it and I'm still digesting. But I am interested in hearing what others are thinking.


You have good questions. Maybe email Clif and ask. He's good about answering a brief well-formed question. Mention you'll post his answer in the webbotforum unless he objects. That's what we usually do. Then we post in a private-side thread dedicated to his emails. There's another thread there for discussing his emails.

Meta data


The 'bravery' or 'courage' issue is going to surface in several areas of humanity over early 2017 as the

data sets have 'religion' (especially monotheism) under 'factual assault' from 'new discoveries'. These 'factual assaults' are showing as 'over turning' and 'upending' (over the next 10/ten years) of the 'claimed origins' for the 'religions'. New information is forecast as coming from 'the other side of the planet' that is going to 'prove (biblical distortions of history)' and 'non participation' of any of the 'monotheism religions' in any of their 'claimed history'. These sets are suggesting that the greatest 'reformation (of) human thought' in over 7000/seven thousand years will be overtaking us all the rest of this decade and beyond. The longer term sets have it only taking a quick 4/four years for the 'established religious structures (organizations)' to be 'dying', and 'abandoned' as 'facts' (and new technological innovations) allow for a 'tentative rewriting (of human history)'.


The actual destruction of the Abrahamic/monotheistic religions would lead to the abandonment/destruction of many, perhaps most, of the other things wrong with the world today.


From clif's lips to god's ears :)

The actual destruction of the Abrahamic/monotheistic religions would lead to the abandonment/destruction of many, perhaps most, of the other things wrong with the world today.


From clif's lips to god's ears :)


I assume you are not referencing the Abrahamic god.

I assume you are not referencing the Abrahamic god.


I just couldn't resist using that old Jewish expression. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

In the "secrets revealed" the CIA just dumped an incredible amount of pages that are searchable. Some history of Antarctica, Admiral Byrd letters, a name/location paper of places in Antarctica (225 pages long) and some other stuff. As usual, a lot of redacted stuff in the papers.




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