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Do you have a question for Clif?


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The webbot forum does interviews with clif high on occasion. We have one coming up soon.


Do you have any questions you would like us to ask him?


We can't take all questions but we like to have a wide variety to choose from when it comes interview time. Your questions help us know what topics are of interest.


After the interview is edited it will be up on Time Monk Radio youtube for free listening.






Here is our Oct 2016 interview


Question for Clif ..

There are alot of things written on the Net

about the Reptilians.. ( as well as other negative EI's)


that they in fact are at the top of the TPTB pyramid..

and have been here in and around the planet for a very long time..

( master geneticists ,, screwing with our DNA etc.. )

(continually putting us to WAR )


any comments on this ..? or is it like Planet X just nothing to it ..?

Guest Unregistered

After the result you tweeted...


'Good news for USAPop 4sure. But now we have 10+ years of real work ahead of us!'


...implying that this election was some sort of 'turning point' for the better.


What am I missing here? If you look at it objectively, we have just elected a slightly less horrible piece of **** sell out than Killary, but they're buddies, aren't they, the Clintons, the Bushes and the Trumps? What good news can there be in that? What is it that makes you think this time around isn't just business as usual?


Clif had projects come up and had to postpone our interview. We'll let you know when it's rescheduled.

Trader Sharpe

I would like to understand more about Clif's metaphysics:-

* how are we all psychic to various degrees?

* does the Law of Attraction work?

* is suffering unavoidable?

* is it possible for human beings to co-construct a better future? how?



I would like to understand more about Clif's metaphysics:-

* how are we all psychic to various degrees?

* does the Law of Attraction work?

* is suffering unavoidable?

* is it possible for human beings to co-construct a better future? how?




Thats a good one ! Trader


and if we are all psychic would not there be some with extra special ( High degree )

abilities that we ought to pay attention too ?

Joy in Hawaii
Thats a good one ! Trader


and if we are all psychic would not there be some with extra special ( High degree )

abilities that we ought to pay attention too ?



Sheesh! How High a degree ya want? Clif High?


I once knew what the next day's pick 4 lotto numbers were. I didn't play them though because I had no idea that I really knew what they were. I still remember the numbers, they were 7863. lol.


Yes we are all psychic and I'd love to hear Clif's description of where we should look in ourselves to find the new abilities emerging.


Maybe he can use this opportunity to point out the primary insights to getting out of our own way, psychically speaking. Also fundamental lifestyle behaviors we can adopt in order to take best advantage of the trends in this area.


akido and meditation are what Clif has talked about for years.


And, go into some detail with what we can expect with the new conscious. How will we know the signs? Will EVERYONE feel some change in their thinking and lives? (For the better?) Seem to remember Clif talking about honor and integrity will become the norm. Is this the new conscious?


My wife and I learned a lot from The Monroe Institute. It's been a while since we've been there and staff has changed, so can't speak for current programs but things like the Wave series and H+ have been around from the days when the founder, Bob Monroe was alive.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Unregistered
After the result you tweeted...




...implying that this election was some sort of 'turning point' for the better.


What am I missing here? If you look at it objectively, we have just elected a slightly less horrible piece of **** sell out than Killary, but they're buddies, aren't they, the Clintons, the Bushes and the Trumps? What good news can there be in that? What is it that makes you think this time around isn't just business as usual?


Thanks for not asking my question. Surely going on an on about Harold Percival and his book from 1946 was more interesting for the listeners.

Thanks for not asking my question. Surely going on an on about Harold Percival and his book from 1946 was more interesting for the listeners.


So, I guess it's time for you to run your own radio show, with all the work that implies, and then get to ask your own questions.


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