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Webbot predicts Hillary Clinton will "bow out"


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Well, this is one of the bolder predictions clif has made.


He tweeted about it on Aug 9 and then he discussed it on an interview on Aug 19



"Ack! Running post report clean up! looks like Trump wins against whoever the demos put up after Hillary bails on late Sept"


This is the interview where clif talks about Hillary "bowing out" It's at the end of the interview @ 1hr 24 min.


I went to listen to what clif said about the election.


They ask about the Fall. He says there will be release language, upset, around the 3rd week of Sept. It will effect the markets. He says he normally avoids political language but is picking it up because events effect the markets


Clif "speculates" the Democratic party will have an upset and that is when Hillary bows out and they have to stick in someone else. He sees political fracturing, release language and something like a "soft election" where they start with 2 hard candidates. 1 goes down prior to the election and a replacement is put in and has trouble. The replacement is doomed.


But this creates a "weird election, everything is always questioned,with no solidity, mandates questioned from then on." Strangest year ever seen in terms of volatility, who's up, who's down, uncertainty, chaos. People feeling sea sick. Starts around 3rd week of Sept.


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Clif put out a Wujo talking about Hillary fainting and what he thinks will happen next.


Interesting that he says that the presidential election usually does not show up because only a small portion of the populace really care about it. However now the "broader social body" is concerned and getting more concerned this year and it showed up in the data. I have been following clif since 2008 and our private forum never even makes a thread to discuss the election. This year the 2016 election thread is over 100 pages.


I personally, have not worried too much about who is president in the past. However, this year is the first time I really feared one of the candidates. A friend observed that this year everyone is afraid of one or both of the candidates.



Clif's tweet of a 'creeping' web bot hit is very apropos in my opinion. She is kind of creepy.


The August webbot ALTA report pg 11-13 discusses "political chaos"


He says that both political parties will be "starving" for funds and donors. Lies around fund raising will be exposed. "... and other language going to the idea that the 'fiat currency regime' is 'ending' and is 'taking out/removing' the 'supports' it had for the 'political machinery'."


Pg 13

"There are large numbers of new sets for 'chaos' and 'social disruption' in USAPop that are forecasting some form of 'political chaos-theater' that will begin in late August, likely as a side effect of the ongoing economic crumbling, that will then build in 'displayed emotional tension' over September and finally start 'erupting' within the 'social body' right around the equinox. The data sets would have the USAPop fully embroiled into the 'unknown political chaos' scenario by the end of the first week in October.


The 'political chaos-theater' sets are filled with all kinds of disparate details showing various different reactions to the 'political chaos-theater' rather that the central action within the political realm at the time. This is very likely due to the emotional intensity of politics here in USAPop at this time. The resulting 'chaos' from whatever is the effective in-the-moment cause for the political theater brings USAPop to a point of 'stark realization' that is just preceding the movement of the 'panic to own gold and/or silver and/or bitcoin' language down to the 'mainstream population' of USAPop."


The webbots often show up with dates around astrological solar movements


Sept 2016 equinox = Sept 22, 2016

Solar eclipse = Sept 1, 2016

Lunar eclipse= Sept 16, 2016


BTW big West Coast Earth quake for Northern America is predicted for after the 2017 solar eclipse on Monday, August 21, 2017

...A friend observed that this year everyone is afraid of one or both of the candidates. ...


Do you think that that is by design? The old divide and conquer meme is alive and well me thinks.

Do you think that that is by design? The old divide and conquer meme is alive and well me thinks.


Yep, people who are scared are easier to manipulate. More lizard brain thinking vs actual critical thinking and analysis.


Exactly. Been that way for thousands of years. They are exceptionally well studied in mind / social control - it is their "lifeblood".


Hmm clif tweet says that 3rd week in Sept starts Sept 21, the solar eclipse is the next day. I wonder where they are betting if Hillary Clinton will make the first debate?


Presidential debates are scheduled for:

Mon Sept, 26

Sun Oct 9

Wed Oct, 19

Vice pres debate

Tue Oct 4



do u count 1-sept as the first week? If yes now is 3rd weeks of sep



no, data deals in lunar months, and 7 day weeks. Not calendar, but elapsed time.



so 21st onward! Yes? Tnx



yes. When i set up modelspace in 97 i chose to do elapsed time to simplify processing.


Clif Twitter discussion today 9/12/16


So no chance that the dems will bring back Bernie Sanders to fill her position?

Clif:ST data does not have such details. IM data does not indicate that, suggests a younger person.


Thanks. I hope trump is over-thrown then. I hope that Trump is either overthrown or ignored by the masses soon.


Clif: Trump is as he is BECAUSE of the masses! They draw forth personality to fill the need. Not other way round!


Well enuff of the masses anyway. Enuff ppl like me also don't like him and I wont stay if/when he's prez


Clif: our USAPop will be so much different in only 5months that we will look back on today as being in another world!


clif how will markets react when announcement made of Hitlary's fallout? (no pun)

Clif: ST data says 'fed' 2b 'irrelevant'. IM shows big drop in equities, maybe 3000+ pts in a day.


A former secret service agent's analysis of her body guards movements during Hillary's fainting incident. He explains normal procedure and where this these guards behavior differs. He believes they were aware of medical problems and prepared for an incident. The most striking detail is that the secret service body guards have a planned go to hospital in case of medical emergencies for every outing, and in this case it was not used. It should have been used even if it was heat stroke.


"I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service - Here's Why Her 'Fainting' Video Really Scares Me"


  • 2 weeks later...

If we are just looking at dropping out or cancelling language, The webbots have produced a bot hit. There have been cancellations and there has been a lot of talk about her dropping out. I have never heard of talk of a presidential candidate dropping out at this stage of the election cycle.


Here Hillary is cancelling an appearance to Charlotte NC to avoid "stretching city resources" At this stage I have become so cynical that I wonder if she she chooses places for events that she knows will have problems so she can back out of the event.


Hillary Cancels Trip To Charlotte After Mayor Tells Her To Stay Home



Earlier this week Hillary announced that she would be visiting Charlotte, North Carolina as the city continues to deal with violent protests related to a police encounter that left Keith Lamont Scott dead. Now Hillary has been forced to cancel her trip after Jennifer Roberts, Charlotte's Democratic Mayor and Clinton supporter, has asked Hillary to stay home citing "stretched resources for security" with police officers "working around the clock" to deal with protests.


Ironically, as you may recall, this is exactly the reason Hillary supposedly elected to not visit Louisiana after severe flooding back in August saying that she would visit when the "presence of a political campaign will not disrupt the response" of emergency responders.

As Fox points out, Hillary's decision to avoid Louisiana came despite calls from the Governor and other local officials for Obama and others to visit to draw attention to the need for donations to help displaced citizens.

We talked earlier about the fear triggered by these candidates. People don't just dislike them, they fear them. It appears people are taking their fears to their therapists and trying to cope with anxiety.


the Age of Trump

Therapists and their patients are struggling to cope amid the national nervous breakdown that is the 2016 election.



Perhaps it’s inevitable that therapists would trace all this anxiety back to people’s relationships with their parents. But one needn’t be a psychoanalyst to appreciate the way the election can serve as a fun house mirror of old family trauma. “There’s overall a preoccupation with parental failure,” Michael Mance, a clinical psychologist in New York, says of his patients. “One might hypothesize that Trump represents a particular kind of very difficult father—an untrustworthy, persecutory, and frightening father—and Hillary represents a kind of toxic, unloving, and secretive mother.” There’s a sense, he says, that “somebody’s going to fail us. I think that presents people with a lot of discomfort, which is hard to manage.” There’s no authority that can protect us from the calamity on the horizon. It’s like a child’s bad dream. It’s also our reality.


People have been taught to think of themselves as children of the state, helpless and dependent on the parent. Children will find ways to rationalize that their parent is capable and kind becuase they are helpless if their parent is incompetent and uncaring. The truth is, we are adults and no one is going to rescue us.


As clif said. We are facing the "destruction of illusion." Neither Hillary or Trump will make a great president. A saint would have trouble as our next president because things are so f'd up.


Any word on if Hillary is dropping out?


She has two lookalikes with no


reason to willingly dropout.


$money$ at stake while


she rests in the


morgue. However Trump


has some reasons up his sleeve


that can slam her crime syndicate..

  • 4 weeks later...

What a difference a month makes. The webbots are now predicting that Hillary Clinton will go missing.


It is my opinion that she has already gone missing. It appears that Hillary's body double was at the 3rd debate, and we may not have seen the real Hillary since 9/11.


On 9/11 TPTB made it so obvious that Hillary Clinton uses a body double, that their hubris must be boundless.



And at the 3rd debate, an energetic, slender actress (without a lip mole) played the part of Hillary Clinton.

So, how obvious does this have to be before we all catch on? We are being played by the media like we are all chumps.


That kinda bugs me about Trump, he has to know that he's dealing with doubles,

if he's all that....why is he putting up with the charade??? This is exactly why

I think he's in on the game and the election is the FF.

That kinda bugs me about Trump, he has to know that he's dealing with doubles,

if he's all that....why is he putting up with the charade??? This is exactly why

I think he's in on the game and the election is the FF.


I think Trump is playing a roll - three time he's reportedly said that he is "just the messenger".


That is a very good observation. But then if he does the magicians 'reveal', then would there be an election? Who would he run against?

I think I am going to follow Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons. He has a better track record than the bots, or several of our esteemed astrologers and he is picking Trump.



[quote=Peter;483840....I think I am going to follow Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons. He has a better track record than the bots, or several of our esteemed astrologers and he is picking Trump.





When I see something like this video, I am pretty sure TPTB are just making fun of us.

Notice in the video and in the cartoon a sign falls on the ground. And, Trump waves, and then gives the 'thumbs up", both in real life and in the cartoon .Yep, they are making fun of us again.

Any word on if Hillary is dropping out?


It was reported that Hillary doesn't have any more public appearances for the rest of the campaign (unlike Trump.)

That could be what the webbots pick up on.


Note with the Podesta e-mail leaks. Hillary and her entire organization is getting pummeled.

Bill Still's videos on Youtube election update showed that educated people were starting to pick up on the WikiLeaks data.

The $12M payment from the Moroccan King was another fine revelation.

Huma Abedin said 'It was all Hillary's mess.'


WikiLeaks has publicly exposed the unspoken animosity that exists in any organization.

The only thing uniting the Clintoon team is the desire to stay out of jail at this point.

Otherwise, it's a free for all over in the Clinton home this weekend.




So Hillary Clinton has already disappeared from public view, and a body double was actually used in the 3rd debate. So how did this actress impersonate Hillary Clinton so well? With the aid of a teleprompter, of course. Here is a short video exposing the teleprompter built in to Hillary Clinton's lectern. (This is big.)



I'm not a buyer of the body doubles meme. You can tell in that video of the debate when she loses track of her thoughts and is being prompted. She is degenerating rapidly under the stress of the campaign, even with the extended periods of being outside the public eye supposedly resting. They are trying to avoid another stumbling into a van video from emerging, which says to me that she is so fragile that there are many of these episodes happening in private.


IMO, for the Clintons this game is for all the marbles. If they get in then they can spend the next four years purging every last record of their crimes and the crimes of their larger kabal, and they all get away free and clear. If Trump wins, they know they are all going to hang one after the other, as well as many who are around them. That is why she remains in the race.


Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be no videos showing up on YouTube of various "conspiracy theorists" who should be speculating that it was not actually Hillary at the third debate? I went looking and could find none. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Now watch the video that Buzzard posted. I am quite sure that that is definitely Hillary. Watch the slow-motion scenes and watch her mouth. She has the same facial expressions that we have seen before.


Notice her hips. Hillary has long had a substantial derriere. What happened to it by the time of the third debate?

Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be no videos showing up on YouTube of various "conspiracy theorists" who should be speculating that it was not actually Hillary at the third debate? I went looking and could find none. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Now watch the video that Buzzard posted. I am quite sure that that is definitely Hillary. Watch the slow-motion scenes and watch her mouth. She has the same facial expressions that we have seen before.


Notice her hips. Hillary has long had a substantial derriere. What happened to it by the time of the third debate?


Interesting info here, but yeah, nothing specifically re: 3rd debate though I think.







Hillary Body Double EXPOSED: Forensic Photographic Evidence Shows Younger & Thinner Replacement




Hillary Clinton Body Double Saga Who was at the Presidential Debate 11th video in the series




Romans- yes, seen those but can't find ANYTHING speculative about the third debate. That is really fishy to me. It doesn't really matter to me if it's her or not. If it is her then they have absolutely got to have her pumped to the gills with drugs and she's probably wearing all kinds of electronic stimulators. But what I really find disturbing is the lack of any speculative videos on YouTube.


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