giuseppe Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 We live in the matrix;
SumDumGuy Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 We live in the matrix; an interesting speculation from the article. the solution to a math problem is a snapshot of time. the solving of said equation is the flow of time.... hmmm...... i guess it could be further hypotheticated that each integer of said equation is a snapshot of time ....... and again......... hmmmm.......
giuseppe Posted September 26, 2015 Author Posted September 26, 2015 an interesting speculation from the article. the solution to a math problem is a snapshot of time. the solving of said equation is the flow of time.... hmmm...... i guess it could be further hypotheticated that each integer of said equation is a snapshot of time ....... and again......... hmmmm....... Here is the video from the article:
Nonin Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 one wonders what the AI agenda really is To become human so they can die?
chesire Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 To become human so they can die? one would think with all the deep projects the AI could fashion a designer body and download into it at this point , perhaps that is how divinities are created
SumDumGuy Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 one would think with all the deep projects the AI could fashion a designer body and download into it at this point , perhaps that is how divinities are created something along those lines are alluded to in one reply in the comments section of the article giuseppe posted. goshawks says: September 25, 2015 at 2:09 pm From Joseph’s, “one may not be looking so much at equations that describe reality, but rather, perhaps, at a grammar in a ‘Chomskian sense’,” I remembered the ancient schools of wisdom teachings where – if one spoke certain words – Reality itself would change. Was this only symbolic, or were they actually describing a mixture of grammar and mathematics that somehow collapsed waveforms in a prescribed manner? David Icke, in his efforts to explain shapeshifting, may have actually come up with some interesting ideas on this possibility. He posits first that Reality is ORIGINALLY waveform (not dual waveform-particle), which I agree with. Then, he assumes that the ‘collapse of the waveform’ to form perceived reality occurs inside a person’s brain/mind. Again, this is in-line with the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics. (This is just taking ‘The Observer Effect’ to it’s logical conclusion, although physicists balk at the implications.) Where it gets interesting is when Icke posits that there are some ‘folks’ who can consciously ‘get inside’ the decoding mechanism that is rendering waveform into particle-form. (Whether one has to be ‘outside’ the system to accomplish-this is an interesting question. Perhaps this is the ‘enlightenment’ referred-to throughout the Ages.) This would take two forms: If I could ‘get inside’ MY decoding mechanism, I could ‘hijack’ my ‘ingrained’ down-translation and down-translate as anything I could imagine. (Mass and size ‘shifts’ would be accommodated within this ‘model’.) This would make sense of the ‘gods’ appearing as anything they wished, and shamans instantly ‘translating’ from one form to another. Not to mention staffs turning into snakes in Egyptian courts, for example… If I could ‘get inside’ an OTHER’S decoding mechanism, (which would imply a mastery of whatever telepathy is – maybe ‘oneness’) I could ‘hijack’ his/her normal down-translation. I could either (1) ‘block’ the down-translation entirely (and appear invisible to them) or (2) ‘insert’ code of my own and have them down-translate a vision of me (or their ‘outside’) as anything I would wish. On the former, I have personally been in a few situations where I ‘knew’ there were beings close to me, but I could not see them. On the latter, it might explain ‘nonsensically-shaped’ beings, or even ‘burning bushes’. The world gets a lot more interesting, with these ‘lenses’ on… and then there is this..... loisg says: September 25, 2015 at 9:36 am If the Word being spoken of there is Jesus Christ (see Dr. Michael Heiser) then the fact that someone is the Word gets really interesting. emphasis mine
chesire Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 the word could also be seen perhaps as a frequency , the matrix a game world , many times i have logged into a game just to see if there was something fun/interesting going on and if nothing was logged back out again however logging out was a 30 or 60 second process before my character was completely gone from the game world
chesire Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 seemed relevant a list of fallen angels who appear in multiple forms demons could be seen as a form of AI with superior technology to control things and people Demons (Daimones) in Greek Writings Are Similar to Ghosts Predating Jesus, and thus the New Testament Bible, the ancient Greeks' belief in daimones appeared in the literature of many philosophers, including Homer, Socrates and Plato. Plato distinguished daimones as being middle-ranking creatures of the air, interacting between gods and mankind. Socrates not only described daimones as guardian spirits that everyone has with them but also as the inner voice that guided him in choosing to do right, rather than wrong. He connected people as spirits in spirit. The Greeks commonly believed daimones could haunt locations, guard property, possess human bodies and even cause human sicknesses. Yet, they also believed that daimones were, at times, the spirits of the dead, or ghosts, who could be sought for advice; and, that the daimones were also messengers similar to the modern beliefs in angels. To the Greeks, the word daimon was also used for the word "god" or "goddess," especially before the Hellenistic period. Daimon was often used to mean "the gods," "divine power, "fate," or "fortune" but was also used to convey a "spirit being." The adjective, "daimonios," often meant "inspired by heaven," "divine," "of heaven," "by divine power," etc. The Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898) says this about the word daimon: "Originally a term applied to deity in general, manifested in its active relation to human life, without special reference to any single divine personality. But as early Hesiod, the daemones appear as subordinates or servants of the higher gods. He gives the name especially to the spirits of the past age of gold, who are appointed to watch over men and guard them. In later times, too, the daemones were regarded as beings intermediate between the gods and mankind, forming, as it were, the retinue of the gods, representing their powers in activity, and intrusted with the fulfilment of their various functions. This was the relation, to take an instance, which the Satyrs and Sileni bore to Dionysus. But the popular belief varied in regard to these deities."
rippingtheveil Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 'Daimon' (the greek) translates to 'distributer of fortunes' or 'alloter of destinies'. It's a word with feminine gender, grammatically speaking. The feminine gender makes sense, as the majority (but not all) of daimon recognized among common-folk were deceased female relatives. Deceased family members were also those from whom a heritage descended, which aligns with the meaning reflected when the word is parsed and the root considered. I think it's evidence of matriarchy having played a central role in ancient society. I think the 'daimon' were 'demonized' around the time patriarchy was struggling to supersede matriarchy. Ultimately, IMO 'daimon' goes back to genetics. We receive a heritage and traits from our ancestors in the genes they pass to us. Getting a bit more mystical, I think they are aspects of the individual and collective human psyche. The 'long walkers', Nephilim, 'men of renown' or what have you, dwell in the psyche - and your genes are their gateway; they are involved a feedback loop involving our genes. Which is why ancestor worship, at it's worst, is not entirely nonsensical. This idea also serves as the basis of 'invocation', to call an entity/daimon into ones conscious self by attuning oneself to its traits. We are the demons.
equanimity Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 I totally agree, rippingtheveil. We live inside a giant memory-game. It's all about pattern recognition, using our whole sensory net (as mediated by the DNA) to continuously reassemble order out of the unbelievable unstoppable rate of change going on everywhere. We hold our impressions within a gridwork constructed by all of our ancestors and relations, and by clinging to that construct we constantly re-impose our norms on the quantum foam as it continuously extrudes out of every crack of our known reality. But of course, we can never get away from that constantly increasing potential and the entanglement that follows, so we simply get buried in our own constructs, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice. At any moment we could begin making use of this fact, both to break down and to reformulate the projections we use to "sculpt" the world around us. But we forget, fall asleep, and lose sensibility of the larger issue, because we are so hypnotized by what we project/experience, so dazzled by our own pre-set givens proliferating all around us, that we can't see the mechanism of its production or imagine a different outcome. Like the dog barking at the tide, we continue our instinctive responses to what we haven't yet mastered, even though the creative response would be to get in, find out how it works, and surf the wave.
rippingtheveil Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 [redacted] I concur! The fact equanimity agreed with me might mean I have some bias though. EDIT: Seriously - Excellent post!
amarynth Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 There you are ! Post of the Day! I agree - so excellent! We are blessed to have this writer sharing her writings with us! [redacted]
equanimity Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 You folks are too kind. I wasn't even awake yet! This is proof that the Unconscious knows all, lol....
chesire Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 From Joseph’s, “one may not be looking so much at equations that describe reality, but rather, perhaps, at a grammar in a ‘Chomskian sense’,” I remembered the ancient schools of wisdom teachings where – if one spoke certain words – Reality itself would change. Was this only symbolic, or were they actually describing a mixture of grammar and mathematics that somehow collapsed waveforms in a prescribed manner? the adept held the flower in his hand and said BE again he said BE afore he could get out the word NOT the ancient wizard slapped him to the ground and said do not do that it could unravel the entire fabric of reality
equanimity Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 chesire -- this is the exact theory that animates magic from our pre-history. The sounds of speech qualify particular frequencies. Each letter is assigned to one of the sounds that humans naturally make in speech. Even utterly unrelated language groups have the same essential meanings for these primitive sounds. The ancient alphabet, originally having 22 letters, covers all of those primal sounds. Different spoken languages will sometimes add extra widgets (usually in the form of punctuation marks) to specify the peculiarities of this or that individual languages. Often those will represent vowels, clicks or tones that "bend" the word this way or that, since the 22 act like consonants. The 22 have other correspondences beyond their sound value. They are each also a number, and they also each connect with basic ingredients of our Solar System -- the planets, the signs of the Zodiac, and the so-called "celestial elements" (air, fire, water). Therefore a word is also a mathematical statement, and is also an astronomical equation. Some letters (the ones that correspond to the Planets) have two different sounds, depending on whether they fall in the middle of the word or at the end. This connects with whether the Planet is making forward progress vs when it is caught up in a retrograde (appearing to go backwards from the POV of Earth). Literally every word, whether spoken or written, is a "spell". They operate unconsciously (passively) for a person who is unaware of the deeper connections. Very literally, we call to ourselves those frequencies that we dwell on, whether in mind, in speech, or in action. For one who is aware of what they are doing, speech and writing become a demand, a command, or an evocation of the thing named. (And if you are using the wrong word, or aren't tracking what it adds up to mathematically and astronomically, then sometimes there is hell to pay, literally.) Farrell knows about this, according to some of his writings. And what is more interesting, from my point of view, is that the fellow who first did the chemical analysis of the the monoatomic plasma metals falling from off-world origins (the ORMUS) discovered a precise recitation of the properties of these metals associated with the Hebrew (magical) alphabet! He found it in the writings of Eliphas Levi, who was the head of the Masonic lodges of southern Europe at the end of the 1800's. Levi was also the primary exponent of the historical Tarots, my professional speciality. This little data point right there is the biggest motivator I've ever had to spur my magical studies! We are on the cusp of it now.
Nonin Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 So I ask ~ For one who is aware of what they are doing, speech and writing become a demand, a command, or an evocation of the thing named. (And if you are using the wrong word, or aren't tracking what it adds up to mathematically and astronomically, then sometimes there is hell to pay, literally.) If one is not aware are they punished just the same? And why must it be so complicated? I draw pictures, numbers are out of reach.
equanimity Posted October 1, 2015 Posted October 1, 2015 Its all frequencies. No individual judgement involved. If one is "harmonious" and "resonant", then one will attract compatible frequencies, just like the sound of the orchestra sweetens up when all the instruments are tuned to middle C. If one is discordant, full of clashing and incompatible frequencies, then being in that state that can very quickly tear a person apart. Some might rage until they bust a gut, others suddenly come up with cancer everywhere, others simply turn up in the wrong place at the wrong time and have a piano drop out of the sky on them. Each one will attract the experiences that match their frequencies. This is always the case, only it's just accelerated and intensified at this time. One heals, one dies, just depending on how they keep their interior attunement. The vastness of the change in our planetary substrate means that every living soul will receive the sum total of what their antennae can pick up and resonate with. It all exists on a spectrum, just the way the colored lights are contained in white light. If one is resonant to any of those "true" colors, the "white light" (or whatever we are dealing with on the galactic scale) won't do damage. If one's "tone" is off into the muddy or obscure side of the spectrum, if a person can't find sympathy/harmony/concordance within the rainbow (to extend the metaphor), they won't be supported going forward. I think there's an issue of whether one's DNA is in the shape to be positively responsive to the new frequencies. This would be the challenge for every life form from single-celled organisms to giant mycelium mats and Dawn Redwoods. "All flesh is grass". We will individually find out what we are made of. If we are capable of healing under the influence of these increased frequencies, we will. If we are not capable of healing, then we will be ushered off this mortal coil and we'll flow with the energies that way. This is not a judgement on us individually, it's a TIME that we are in now, a collective climate during which we are receiving direct stimulation from Galactic Center and it is changing the schumann resonance and that's driving everything else. That and the ORMUS falling out of the Oort cloud, or wherever it's coming from. Each of us will respond as best we can.
gigi Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 Very nice post Equanimity... One thing Stuart Wilde was insistent upon was the use of to use and how many to use. Be concise...say what you mean ( a Feldenkrais teaching as well) the words and frequency carry very heavy weight. And Joy- the minute I read Clif's report back in 05- I knew as well. I was so very excited to come across this work and I still am whenever a report is published. It's very rich work.
gigi Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 So I ask ~ If one is not aware are they punished just the same? And why must it be so complicated? I draw pictures, numbers are out of reach. Gosh Nonin...this is rather difficult to answer. It depends on so many things. I would suggest there is one primary answer: that one comes from their heart frequency..if so, what may appear as 'punishment' may not be. It may be a lesson that is needed for soul growth before one can take the next step.
gigi Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 @ Equanimity : I understood that the Egyptians developed the Tarot to hand off their secrets when they knew they were going down. And the info was carried by those seers who made it to Atlantis. Is this incorrect as you understand the development of the Tarot ( which I love and use often!)..I also loved that Joseph Campbell wrote a book on the Tarot.
Uriel Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 @ Equanimity : I understood that the Egyptians developed the Tarot to hand off their secrets when they knew they were going down. And the info was carried by those seers who made it to Atlantis. Is this incorrect as you understand the development of the Tarot ( which I love and use often!)..I also loved that Joseph Campbell wrote a book on the Tarot. Gigi, I'm confused by this. It seems to me that you have 'Egyptians' and 'Atlantis' switched here... Shouldn't it read that the Atlanteans developed the symbolism and that it was carried to Egypt?
chesire Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 compared to the current ruling class I will vote for the AI to run things . Bender for president 2016 ) best of bender
equanimity Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 gigi et al: Playing cards entered Europe as the Mamluk pack. No Trumps at all, just four suits, 1 through 10 plus three (male) Royals. Essentially, the playing card pack we use today, but without Queens. We have no idea how old this game is, but we find predecessors and versions in China, across India, the Middle East and northern Africa before they ever touched onto European soil. There have been many card games played among our ancient ancestors, whether or not the Atlanteans were involved. At the turn of the 1400's a pack emerges in southern Italy that looked nothing like the Mamluk. (Mamluk is covered in islamic-style mosaic and has no representational images, only these beautiful designs, titles and suit symbols.) The "new" pack shows the "pips" (suit symbols) in geometric arrangements on a blank background, and the Royals are images of people, plus there's a Queen for each suit. This is the beginning of the european Tarot. This can be seen in the Fournier Encyclopedia of Playing Cards. The Trumps (of whatever card count) were often sold separately. So a person could play "cards", or they could play "tarot". Also for the first hundred years after the Trumps appeared, they didn't have numbers on their faces, so they could be used in a different order depending upon what game one was playing. People argue themselves blue in the face over whether the ideas on the cards are original with the cards or not. To my view, it depends on whether one thinks the numbers on the Trumps carry significance beyond their counting order or not. Clearly the playing cards are an astrological matrix, cut up into pieces. So all the mystery surrounds the Trumps. If you think the Trump numbers have the same degree of significance as the titles, the symbols, and the colors (which I do), then the question is, why 22? For me this question answers itself when one realizes that 22 is the number of letters in the primordial magical alphabet that has come down to us from the original astronomers, the Babylonians. Those letters ARE numbers as well as being referents for the signs/planets/elements of astronomy. This alphabet was mostly a priestly tool until a later civilization, the Phoenicians, took the alphabet and the ephemeris around the world via their seafaring culture. So now we can argue about who "invented" astronomy first, and that should give us the baseline for when the IDEAS represented in the Trumps were first hatched in human consciousness. If from Atlantis, then we are smack dab in the middle of my "esoteric existential question" again, which is -- do we figure that all this astronomical math and the catalogue of esoteric operations that stem from it (sacred geometry, music, optics, Kabbalah, alchemy, the whole shooting match) was invented by terrestrial humans? Or do we think that the sexagesimal mathematics of astronomy (origin of our clock, calendar, and many other culture-stabilizing models) was given to us by off-planet sources who occasionally check in on us? In any case, the Ideas, which are immediately visible in the Tarot Equation, are super-ancient. The cards are not, at least not for Europe. Tarot Equation: (7 x 3) +1 = the Trumps, the astro-alpha-numeric alphabet of the Mysteries. (3 x 4) plus (1 x 4) = the Royals (12-sign Zodiac plus Solstices and Equinoxes) [(3 x 3) +1] x 4 = the Pips (nine single-digits give three cards per Sign within each element, plus the 10 which is the Grand Trine)
gigi Posted October 4, 2015 Posted October 4, 2015 Gigi, I'm confused by this. It seems to me that you have 'Egyptians' and 'Atlantis' switched here... Shouldn't it read that the Atlanteans developed the symbolism and that it was carried to Egypt? I do.. thanks Uriel.
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