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IDIR September: Prompts from universe

WBF Monk

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The IDIR (Immediacy Data Intelligence Report) is an interpretation of the asymmetric trends that

are occurring even this instant as millions of humans are typing millions of words on the internet. The

trends are provided in the form of a discussion of the larger collections of data (dubbed entities) down

to the smallest aspect/attribute swept up from daily discussions within that context. Within the ALTA

report format, detail words are provided as noted below. Phrases and idiomatic expressions are also

provided as details. In the main, geographic references are merely summed, and if deemed pertinent,

the largest bag in the collection is discussed as a 'probable', or 'possible' location to the events being

referenced within the details.


The Immediacy Data Intelligence Report is structured around data sets that are effective from 3 days

out (of report issuance) through the end of the third week (more or less a month in duration). This

report focuses on the immediacy data sets and places the data from these sets into the larger context

created within the ALTA Reports. While not necessary to understand the IDIR reports, it is advisable to

read the ALTA reports for the larger description of modelspace.


from HalfPastHuman

9/21/2015 Regarding #piggate: Yes it was foreseen: latest IDIR report extract from last week:


A new sexual scandal is showing as having a disturbing, if distracting, effect on the markets over the course of a week in which the Fed et al central bankster really need a distracting miracle. It does not save them....

Read the rest at halfpasthuman.com


Drugs, debauchery and the making of an

extraordinary Prime Minister: For years

rumours have dogged him. Now, the truth

about the shockingly decadent Oxford days of

the gifted Bullingdon boy


...But Cameron went a great deal further. He also got involved in the notorious Oxford dining society, the Piers Gaveston, named after the lover of Edward II, which specialises in bizarre rituals and sexual excess.


A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig. His extraordinary suggestion is that the future PM inserted a private part of his anatomy into the animal’s mouth.


The source — himself an MP — first made the allegation out of the blue at a business dinner in June 2014. Lowering his voice, he claimed to have seen photographic evidence of this disgusting ritual.


My co-author Isabel Oakeshott and I initially assumed this was a joke. It was therefore a surprise when, some weeks later, the MP repeated the allegation.


Some months later, he repeated it a third time, providing a little more detail. The pig’s head, he claimed, had been resting on the lap of a Piers Gaveston society member while Cameron performed the act....


more @ Link


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